Saturday, October 13, 2012

Short Story 002: Dreamboy

Bea awoken from a dream. But unlike many of her dreams, this one felt real. She can still vividly remember how the guy came up to her and ask her for a dance. She can hear the romantic music and she can feel his hands touching hers. Then their bodies met and slowly swayed with the music. Bea felt she has met the man of her dreams. She remembers talking to him, but sadly can't remember what they were talking about. But she knew it was something special, cause she recalls smiling and seeing him smile.

She woke up with a good mood, even as the sun shines bright on her, as if telling her it's time to get up. She can't stop smiling, and only to realize it was just a dream. But still, she knew it was a sign. She has been praying for a boyfriend for a long time. And even as she leaves her house for school, the boy remains on her mind. And it remained there the whole day, especially since she saw him on the road.

It was as if she was hit by electricity. Her body froze on the pavement. She can't believe that the man in her dream was standing just a few meters ahead of her. She can vividly remember his smile, his hands, his body. She may not recall the exact features of his face, but she says, surely this was the man in her dream. And that man approached her, with that oh so familiar smile.

It was the happiest day of her life. Literally, the man of her dreams is beside her. After the usual introduction, the two walked towards school, exchanged numbers and other personal information. They passed by a flower shop, and the boy surprisingly bought him a rose. He says, hope they can meet again tomorrow. Then adds, she was the girl he dreamt last night.

The stars have aligned, the girl says. It was perfect. It was magic. She went to school, already missing him and hoping she can sleep during class, if only to dream of him.

When Bea entered the campus, the boy walked away from the school, called a number on his cellphone.
I found her, he says.
I think I have a target victim.


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