Saturday, October 6, 2012

Short Story: Gaze

He carefully placed mustard on his hotdog sandwich, trying not to squeeze the sachet too much. He was not really himself that day, like any other day. Sitting at his favorite spot in the dining area of a 24-hour convenience store, Gino carefully ate his sandwich, which he never really like. He just got it from the hotdog container, not knowing it was the spicy one. Sweat started to form on his forehead and every time he took a bite of his sandwich, the sweat would roll like tears from the eyes of a dramatic actress. But he didn't really care. Because she was there.

He visits the convenience store because of her, whose face he can never forget, even as he sleeps and even as he takes a bath everyday. Today, like all the previous days, he sat on his favorite chair and glanced at her every time he bites his spicy sandwich. He has been there this week just secretly glancing at her, hoping to catch her attention. He had wanted so badly to go near her and be with her. And maybe today's the day.

He took the last bite of his sandwich, took a sip from the juice that comes with it. This is it, he said, the moment he has been waiting for. He stood up, slowly step by step approached the cashier area, where she has always been. As he approached her, the excitement builds up on him and he visualized what he will do, what he will say. He kept looking at what he calls the most beautiful face he has ever seen. And the face seems to also look at him.

The face was truly a beauty. Her sensuous smile makes everyone look at her. And it wasn't just the face. The body was also a true work of art. She was wearing what may not be approved by fathers. Her legs, stomach and almost all her chest are seen. And Gino will not let the week pass without finally being with her. His steps were suddenly fast paced as he headed to the cashier, immediately took the men's magazine with the face of his dreams on the cover. He quickly gave money to the cashier and left the convenience store in haste.

Finally, he has bought his first men's magazine with photos of women in various poses. Dream fulfilled, he said. Until the second issue.

This is my first attempt in writing short stories. I hope to write more in the future.


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