Saturday, August 30, 2008

America Votes

This must be one of the most interesting US Elections in history. From the primaries and caucuses season since January this year to the conventions and on towards the November 4 elections... this 2008 US Polls is surely gonna leave a mark in history.

The Democrats had their convention in Denver last week with Barack Obama accepting the party's nomination-- the first African American to do so. It's also funny that Obama chose Joe Biden as his Vice President... Obama Biden (seems like Osama Bin Laden).. :-)

On the Republican side, John McCain has announced his runningmate-- the virtually unknown Sarah Palin. She is the first woman candidate to become a Vice Presidential nominee. Both McCain and Palin are expected to formally accept their nominations this week in the Republican convention in Minnesota.

Both Obama and McCain made wise decisions in choosing their running mates. Obama didn't choose the popular Hillary Clilnton (even if she can bring in more votes)... primarily because Hillary can overpower him easily if they rule America. And Hillary can also beat him in the next presidential elections if she decides to run. McCain on the otherhand chose an unknown woman candidate because he needs the vote of women. He needs to have something different in his campaign. He needs people to talk about him and a woman running mate is the answer.

American politics is interesting now... and this people will surely affect not just the US, but the whole world as well.


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