Tuesday, August 26, 2008


After a series of natural calamities early this year, like the China Earthquake and the Myanmar Cyclone, both of which left hundreds of thousands of people dead... This past week alone, airplane crashes dominated the news headlines.

Last Thursday August 21, 2008, a Spanish jet crashed minutes after take-off at the Madrid International Airport, killing 154 passengers and crew. About 4 days later, another plane fell from the sky. This time, a passenger plane crashed in Kyrgyzstan's capital of Bishkek, killing at least 70 people, including members of a youth basketball team. On that same day, a small plane crashed in Guatemala killing 10 people, most of whom were on a humanitarian mission. And of course yesterday, an Air Force plane crashed in Davao City. Bodies of two of the nine people on board were already recovered, the others are feared dead.

Then there were the Qantas Airways incidents, where in a span of one week, 3 of its planes made an emegency landing. And just today, barely a week after the Madrid plane crash, an Air France-KLM Airlines skidded off the runway in Montreal, Canada. And did I mention a Philippine Airlines plane also skidded off a runway in Mindanao a week ago.

All these incidents are really scary, considering most of us take the plane. I just hope with all these crashes, airlines would be more careful now, since lives are at stake. But despite the accidents, I'll still would take the plane... but with more prayers.


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