Thursday, February 14, 2008

corrupt mind

I usually post serious stuff of nationwide scale to my other blog ( but there are some issues I want to write here in my personal blog because I feel very much for it or I just feel the need to.

One of those issues is the controversial and highly talked about ZTE Scandal. Since I work for a news organization, I can say that I am very much exposed to this story and has absorbed it much. I have watched almost the entire Senate Hearing on this issue (7 hours hearing last Friday and 12 hours last Monday). I also have heard the sides of every person involved in this case. I will write here my own opinion, not as a journalist, but as a concerned citizen of the country.

First of all, I really admire Jun Lozada for testifying in the Senate. Now he has a lot of enemies, because of what he divulged (and a lot of supporters too). I have no proof whatsoever, but I believe he is telling the truth. After all, his statements corroborated that of statements made by the whistleblower Joey De Venecia.

But whether he is telling the truth or not, the most disturbing thing here is that there is indeed corruption. Of course, we all know that. But with Lozada's statements, there is a more visual meaning to the word corruption. It is sad that people in power used that power to get hold of more money. How greedy can you get, trying to make money out of government projects. These projects aim to develop the country by quality yet affordable infrastructures. But with corruption, we Filipinos pay for some money that only goes to pockets of some people. This is ZTE project, a very major project- and there is corruption. What more those smaller projects like road building, bridge construction- there must be bribery in those projects too.

This is a sad reality. It irritates me actually. Sayang lang kasi we have an improved economy, yet the political system is so not stable. Why can we just all be honest. On the good side, these controversies may help us. People are now more vigilant with bidding process in government projects. Government officials are now distancing themselves from illegal activities and the Senate and Congress could make better laws regarding these issues.

I just hope this ends well. And I hope people would care with the issues in the country. It is not necessary to go to rallies, but at least talk about issues with friends or in school or work. We cannot hold on to our economic growth if our foot is stucked in apathy.


  1. thanks gid.. :) hope you had a great heart's day!

  2. uuhhmmm, chura ko kuno daw c jun lozada whoever he is??? noo!!!!!! hahaha yeah corruption of any kind is inevitable in Philippine politics I gez. As for mi' opinion on this, I think it's jz a matter of choosing politicians who give back even jz a portion of wutever they have gotten. hehe It' the Cancer in our society as Rizal eloquently put- it jz gets worse and worse. :)

  3. daw ikaw si lozada? hahaha, hindi man guro ah! mas may itsura man siya.. hehe jk!

    it's depressing lang kasi daw ga ok na economy here and then all of a sudden may political crisis!.. :-(
