Saturday, November 22, 2008


I had another coverage this week. I attended a media launch of the Fresh Choice Always Food Cart. It's basically a new business for those interested in selling vegetables. They plan to sell vegetables on a cart that will be roaming subdivisions. Think of dirty ice cream or fishballs on streets. Of course, they guarantee freshness and convenience. Each village will have one franchisee. They will start by the end of the year.

It's actually a good business if you are a veggie lover. Btw, the company behind this is the same firm that produced all those vegetables you see in SM groceries. So it's a credible venture. Also, I got to interview Alfred Vargas, who plans to franchise 31 food carts. Hehehe.

And as a gesture to us media, we were given a basket full of vegetables. :-) I didn't know what to do with it since I don't cook. I just donated it to the parish church in front of my house. The nun was shocked when I gave them the "donation"... no one has given them vegetables daw. Hehehe.

Well going back to the coverage. This is the first time I covered an event without any crew. Apparently, there were no crewcabs available that day--- meaning no car and no cameraman. My boss had to let me borrow her video camera and so I did. With the help of friend Aiza, we shot the entire event, together with interviews, on our own. That story will be aired next week. I hope it will look good despite our amateur hands.


  1. Wow! That sounds like a great opportunity Jekki (and Aiza)! I hope you got good shots :)

  2. hi kris, yup it was definitely a good experience...
    hope more to come..
