Saturday, December 6, 2008

starbucks planner

I haven't updated this blog in quite some time. I had a lot to say actually in the past weeks but just didn't know how to say it on writing... and more importantly never really had the time to write.

Anyway, I just completed the Starbucks Planner promo yesterday. For the past years, I didn't join the promo and just gave my "stickers" to friends. But this year I challenged myself to complete the stickers at least before Christmas. And thanks to some friends, I managed to complete it all in a month. Well, the planner is not with me yet, cause my friend Bettina told me to get the blue or red planner... but the only available planner at Starbucks ABS-CBN was the black one. Anyway, I hope I won't lose the card. hehehe


  1. wooow i lack 5 stickers pa huhuh :)

  2. kaya yan ros! ikaw pa nag-aaral ka daily! kape na! hehehe

  3. i finally got my planner jek. yehey! merry christmas and a happy new year!
