Monday, January 17, 2011

Bad Weekend

As the title suggests, I had a bad weekend. I was having financial problems (and at least a possible financial problem in the next 15 years). Banks denied me of a P100,000 personal loan. I don't know why. And I can't do anything about that. I need to pay for a downpayment asap. Every time I think of that, my mind sinks. That was not the only bad thing.

Somebody broke into my unit at around 2-3am early Sunday. I was using my laptop with a headphone when that happened. The thief broke the bedroom window and probably saw me in the living room, which is why he didn't enter the living room. He took some of my clothes in the cabinet. The incident still freaks me out. He could have hurt me (scary thought).

Anyway, I got this 250gb portable hard drive as a prize. It arrived today from Taiwan. I "like" this Taiwan Gov't Facebook account and all the "likes" were raffled. At least, this prize is something to smile about. :-)


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