Saturday, October 30, 2010


It was a bittersweet trip to Shanghai, China last October 23-27, 2010. Generally, it was a great experience, since I once again proved to myself I can travel alone particularly in a land where English is rarely spoken and read. Though there also 'bad' parts, the trip was still good.

Let's start with the 'bad' parts:
-I got lost for an hour under the rain at around 2am with my stroller. My shoes died that night. I had to open my baggage just to get my slippers at the side of the road.
-I walked the entire day at the 2010 World Expo (it was super huge) wearing my slippers. By the end of the day, I was literally limping. My feet hurt sooo bad. (until now it still hurts)
-I went to Ningbo, China by train. At the station, I didn't know where to buy ticket, what platform number, where to go down etc. -everything was in Chinese! I'm not even sure where to go down, since the announcer speaks Chinese.
-On my flight to Manila, I checked in 10 minutes before boarding time. I literally run going to the airport with my stroller. I rode a motorcycle since I had no choice, there were no taxis and mrt at that time. The driver forced me to pay 100yuan! I only have 55 at that time, so I had to give him some euros!

Of course, the good parts:
-Meeting my friend Frances in Ningbo.
-2010 Shanghai World Expo
-and basically, the experience of it all.

Here are some pics:


  1. u went to china for a vaca? haha nice jek! =)

  2. yup ros, 3 days lang. i was alone, then i just met my friend there for a day. kapoy but sadya!
