Monday, October 18, 2010

Chinese visa

I'm going to China this Saturday. And I don't have a visa yet! It's super hassle to get a Chinese visa (or any visa in general). I went to the Chinese Consular Office in Makati last Tuesday afternoon, only to find out it only welcomes applicants in the morning. Then the next day, I went there again around 9:30am, but I was entertained around 4:30pm. I was there the whole day, but in the end, they told me I have to return because I lack some requirements. Since I am from the media, I didn't know I was required to give a guarantee letter saying I will not write articles or report. I've never been to Mainland China, but I already feel the tight press freedom.

So I returned to the Chinese Embassy for the third time today. I woke up so early, but got stuck inside the MRT station for an hour. When I arrived at the Chinese Embassy around 9:15am, I was already no. 412. I was entertained around 1:30pm. Well, at least they accepted my application. I just hope they approve it before my departure to China.

I need to go to China this Saturday (only because I already spent for the tickets that are non-refundable).


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