Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Housemates Now

I saw the caretaker of the building where I am residing today. He said I should be careful with my stuff and lock my doors all the time. It was good for him to tell me that, at least I know he's also worried about the life of his tenants. What made me feel weird however was the reason for the security advice.

He told me the people living on the second floor (I'm staying at the third floor) will transfer soon and I have to lock my room since they might barge into it and probably take some stuff. Of course, he is just being paranoid. The caretaker then said... the people on the second floor are drug addicts... and the women are prostitutes! WHAT!!!??

For the past weeks and until now, I am living under one roof with drug addicts and prostitutes!!! So weird, creepy... yet interesting. It's a good thing they will be leaving.

I didn't know about my "neighbors".. What I know is that I have homosexual housemates,obvious naman kasi since they wear female attire and wear heavy make up. They call me "kuya" (hahaha) and sometimes ask for the time whenever I passes by... which really creeps me out. They're ok... but add addicts and sex slaves to the house??

Just to clarify, I am not living in the slum area nor am I residing in a criminal den. My apartment in fact lies across a church and nearby stores, laundry shops, school, etc. It just feels weird with them being my housemates. I am not being judgmental, but can I be blamed for thinking such? :-)

My life just got more interesting!
But with it comes paranoia.


  1. hey jek! natawa ako sa entry mo haha... be careful ha?! I think I'de be freaked out if I were you din but... as you said, INTERESTING NGA! kausapin mo yung housemates mo. wag ka lang ma influenced sa kanila. eek! hehe where are u staying ba? QC ka na?

  2. ros,

    haha, actually hindi ko sila nakikita lagi kasi iba yung sked ko. I dont even know them. Baka ako pa mag influence sa kanila! hehehe.

    yup QC ako, near Timog Ave.

  3. Uy Jek, baka maging valued customer ka nila ha. :p

  4. ger,

    hehehe... oo nga eh.
    pang stress-reliever..

  5. jek... dont say that! i MIGHT actually believe you!!!!!!!! hahahaha yucky ka! sila nga dapat mg ingat sayo hwhahaha

  6. ros,

    what's yucky with what i said??
    i mean, ako mag influence for them to be good persons.

