Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm sick. I don't really get sick. I would like to think I'm healthy. I can't even remember the last time I had fever. But now, I do. Not to mention I also have cough and colds. The worst part is I am still working.

No, I'm not workaholic. It's just that I am not too sick not to go to work. And that sucks. Cos if I were too sick then I would have the reason not to go to work. I am sick but I can still walk around and do stuff, that's the reason why I can still work, even though if at times I feel sick. If I were sick... really sick, then the only option left would be not to go to work. But since I am not that sick, then I am here at work writing this blog. (It's a good thing, flu virus couldn't pass tru wires or else I'll transmit my sickness to anyone who reads this entry).

I'm sure you're kinda sick reading all the "sick" words I have been typing. Hehehe. Well, at least there will be no work on Thurs and Fri. Rest day for everybody and for all the sick people of the world.