Wednesday, December 28, 2005

christmas here

It's super cold here in Bacolod during the Christmas Season... well, it's actually just now that the weather is changing back to the usual: hot! But for the past days since I arrived here, it was really cold and to top it all, it was also raining. It wasn't a winter white christmas, but it's still it was nice, cool and peaceful.

Talking about christmas, I didn't really feel it. Or perhaps I'm just OLD already. I bought gifts for my sisters just days before and I wasn't even able to buy for one sibling. I remember before, I would really buy gifts a month before and the gifts were usually big ones, but now... Oh, I'm just old! I didn't feel it as I felt it before. But of course, it still was a nice christmas. I pray next Christmas would be a lot better (since that would be my last christmas as a student).

2006: here I come!


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