Sunday, January 27, 2013

From Books to E-Books

I love reading books. I started reading novels when I was in high school. I would read the novels my mom has in the shelf. From then on, I would buy my own books, and she would be the one borrowing from me. I would have a mini library already if I combine all the books I bought and the books my mom owns. But many of the books were borrowed and not returned, some got lost since we had to move houses, and some were stored in boxes for a long time that termites took the pages.

But nevertheless, the love for books never faded. Every time I buy a book, I would smell its pages (Yes, I'm weird in that way). And every time I read, I try not to open the book too wide and I always check the edges and the sides of the book. I would also write my name and the the purchase date in the title page inside the book to mark my territory.

Then e-books came. I was never really into the idea of reading books via a computer. For me, it takes away the pleasure and the essence of reading. Until I got a smartphone... with a big screen. I never read an e-book right away, but the opportunity came when somebody gave me a copy of an e-book. That was 'Fifty Shades of Grey.' Don't judge me, but that's the very first e-book I read in full. :-)

That was a few months ago, then I stopped reading an e-book, not because I don't like it, but because I'm not yet ready to buy one. For me, If I need to shell out some cash, I'd like to physically touch the fruits of my money. Then just this past 2 weeks, I downloaded free e-books and I have read 2 so far: 'Life of Pi' and 'The Hobbit'. I also happen to have the movie copy of the 2 novels. I also recently bought a tablet and I bought my first e-book. It was a trial, so I opted for the cheapest one I saw, which was 'The Skeleton Key' by James Rollins. It was only $.99c.

Will I stop buying books? Definitely not. But I'm now more open to the changes in technology in the literary world. I just hope e-books prices will decrease, after all, no paper is used.


  1. Jek, how do you download free e-books to your phone like Life of Pi? =)

  2. Ros, if you have Android phone/tab. Just search sa Play Store. titles come and go kasi parang pirated sya. hehe... not sure with other phones.

  3. Ros, check also -- super dami free ebooks :)

  4. dont buy, i have lots of free ebooks! haha - Legendoryll
