Monday, February 14, 2011


A day before Valentine's Day, former Armed Forces Chief Angelo Reyes was laid to rest at no less than the Libingan ng mga Bayani. He was given honors fit for a hero.

I cringe whenever I hear about this. I sympathize with the family over his death, but people praising him too much makes an eyebrow rise. I understand that whenever one dies, it is usually the good things that is remembered. But in this case, it's just too much.

First of all, he is hounded with corruption allegations with no less than his former subordinate accusing him of receiving millions of pesos. Second and equally important factor, he committed suicide. Whether the first one is true or not, the second one overruled the situation. Fact is he did take his life. But now it seems people are justifying suicide. They say he did that for his family, for the institution. It seems what he did was heroic and worthy of praises. That just disturbed me. Suicide is suicide, it's a sin.

We can never fully know the truth about AFP corruption with his death, which actually leads to more questions than answers. Reyes committed suicide for a reason. And what is clear is that he knows something we don't. Whether or not he took money, for certain, he has an idea who. Because it would be hard to imagine that someone as smart as him would kill himself if he knows he is perfectly innocent.

For now, let's just hope this investigation will continue and will bear fruit. I hope it's not another congressional hearing.


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