Thursday, June 19, 2008

robbery in Ateneo

It saddened me... when I read the Guidon story on the robbery inside Ateneo. Two freshies plus a sophomore were robbed of laptops and cellphones inside the school... specifically at the Cervini waiting shed. They were hurt and the robber rode inside a getaway vehicle and drove off. In a school as prestigious as Ateneo, this story is very shocking. Although there were many cases before... I just thought the school would have implemented more serious security, especially since students pay hundreds and thousands of pesos per year. What was more shocking is the fact it happened so near the dormitory (and the church).

I just hope Ateneo would work on its security efforts. The students are already bombarded by academic and org activities... and I think worrying on their safety inside campus just adds to the stress all Ateneans face.


  1. OMG! this is so scary..

    i cant imagine ateneo as an unsafe place...

  2. true gorgeouspinay...
    of all places... ateneo pa.

  3. no place is safe these days. tumataas ang krimen sa hirap ng buhay...

    let's always pray for safety and sacurity... and of course, let's do our part :)

