Tuesday, January 10, 2006

day today and yesterday

what a day! I felt heavy since this morning, naiisip ko lang parang ang daming kailangan gawin within the next weeks. Na stress na yata ako... It started pa na I woke up late kanina and my first class was philo (which is a class I can't cut anymore kasi 2 more cuts na lang ako), so I ran to my class and I'm hoping I was just marked late. That was my 7.30 am class, my next class was at 9am at Bell, I found out na we will be having our exam on Thursday na pala!! And to think na si H lang kilala ko sa class na iyon (para kasi akong xtra lang doon). Then my next class at 10:30 was hi165, ito talaga yung depressing! I got my long exam results na and it is really a major exam worth 20% of the total grade and to my dismay, shock and disappointment, I got an F, yes a failure!!!. Ang nakakainis lang I had no wrong information on my essay, pero my teacher was just looking for something I didn't write. Puro nga "not needed" yung comments niya per paragraph (one question essay kasi yung test). Oh well, kailangan maka A na ako sa lahat!!!!Then my last class was at 1:30, my exam was also returned, Well, I got a good grade naman pero compared to my seatmates, mababa pa rin siya. Life is really a wheel, you just don't get what you wanted always. You just have to seat back and enjoy the ride of life.

what a day today, yesterday, my first class for the year 2006 was wala lang. I was scheduled to have 3 mtgs from 3 different orgs, I wanted to attend all, but I was just able to attend one. Bluerep mtg was at 1:30 and I had class, AtSca prayer and mtg was at 4:30 and Acomm mtg was also at 4:30. I attended the Acomm mtg because it is the org I wasn't active in the past months. After the mtg, I was supposed to habol the atsca mtg, but of all people I texted pa the wrong person. I ask Ger to text me if the prayer is over and habol lang ako for the mtg, but apparently, Ger is taking an exam till 9pm... and there I was in Ateneo till 7:30 waiting for the text, all the while akala ko mahaba lang yung prayer. Oh well, bawi na lang next time.

*Oh God, I need you most today! Thank you.

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