Friday, January 9, 2009

Long Break

It has been over a month since I last posted on this blog (the longest hiatus in recent months... hehehe). I have been very busy- both work and vacation related. I just arrived Wednesday night from an almost 3-week vacation in Visayas and Mindanao. I have so many stories to tell but I don't know where to start.

I first visited Bacolod, then sailed to Iloilo, then flew to Cebu (for a stopover), then proceeded to Davao. From Davao, we went to our target destination-- General Santos City. Our clan had a family reunion after almost a decade. It was fun meeting relatives I rarely see. During the break I also had the chance to visit Sarangani Province and Koronadal City in South Cotabato.

One memorable experience (and an experience I hope will not happen again) is the way back to Manila. We had problems with our tickets and all flights to Manila are fully booked. We therefore rode the military plane C130 to fly from Davao to Manila. It was a scary flight since C130's are dubbed as "flying coffins" due to its old age. Worst, I was standing during the entire 2-hour flight!! It was like an LRT-- the entire aircraft was crowded with hundreds of soldiers and civilians. My body ached!

The flight was for free, but I'd rather pay for a commercial flight than repeat the experience. But it was definitely a check on the "things to do in your life list"... hehehe

There are so many more stories and experiences to tell, but for now this is enought. I'm back at work and I hope for a better 2009. Hopefully I can also travel more this year even just domestically.


  1. hi jek. funny yung plane ride mo. wlang pics?! haha i would've loved to see that. anyway, enjoy work =)

  2. wala nga eh... i was tooo tired to take pics and i think bawal din.
    better nga sana kung meron.. hehehe
