Monday, July 18, 2011

End of an Era

Many have said that their childhood has ended with the finale of the Harry Potter series. As the promo ad of the "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" film-- It all ends. In a way, it also does for my childhood.

I have been reading Harry Potter since I was in second year high school (about a decade ago). I remember my classmates reading it and I was curious about it, so I asked my lolo to buy me the book. He bought me 2 hardbound books, to my pleasant surprise. When I read the first, I was already captivated by the magical world of Harry Potter. When the movies came, it was another magical journey.

I remember during my third year in high school, Harry Potter was the theme of our Christmas Party. It was such a fun and innocent time. Each one of us was a Harry Potter character. I was Albus Dumbledore (we didn't act or wear costume, we were just using the name). When I entered college, I kept on reading/watching it. Although, when I graduated college, I wasn't able to continue reading/watching it. Until the last Harry Potter movie came.

I already have a movie ticket for July 15. So I started watching on DVD all Harry Potter movies starting July 1. I bought Harry Potter Books 6 and 7 last July 10. I had to finish reading the 2 books in 5 days. I didn't succeed, but I finished reading until the part where Harry Potter 7.1 ended. So while watching Part 2, it was totally all surprises.

The finale movie was great! Effects wise, acting, everything was there. Although there were changes from the book, it still was worth it. It was an epic and great ending to a series so loved by the world. I will miss Harry Potter, cause I am not sure if there would be such a phenomenon again. I am happy that I was born at a time the Harry Potter books were published and came to life.


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