Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New Phase

It's March 1. It's a brand new month, a fresh start.

Today marks my first month as writer for Headstart and Mornings@ANC. Today is also my first full day in my new condo. I moved in yesterday with tons of baggages, boxes, paper bags, plastic bags etc. It was a very tiring day. And to think I have not eaten a decent meal at all. I hope my new place will bring in good luck and blessings. :-)

The photo shows just a few of my things. Probably, that's just a fourth of all my things. Imagine carrying that from one place to another! Thank God, it was a success. The only bad thing is I don't have a restroom just yet. Workers had to overhaul the CR because of a leak. I'll probably take a bath in 2 days time :-)

It's a generally good start, hopefully it will last.


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