Monday, December 6, 2010

Rant & Rave

I'm generally an optimistic person. I seldom complain, and if I do, I usually change my perception for the better. But now, I am feeling kinda strange mentally. There are just so many things in my mind, all at the same time. I feel my mind will explode soon. And these are not just ordinary thoughts, but issues and problems. I'm thinking of my career, my finances, my daily work, my life. I think I need a vacation or better yet a retreat. As a quote says, Let go and let God. But I don't want to burden God too much.

On a happy note,
My weekend was fun! I semi-forgot everything I mentioned above for a few hours. It was night of chilling out with friends, playing boxing and guitar on the Playstation, drinking overflowing beer and tequila, eating pizzas, playing poker, and just chatting with workmates. I arrived at home around 9:30am!!


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