Monday, July 28, 2008


It's the day of President Arroyo's 8th State of the Nation Address. In an hour, she'll be delivering her speech, already dubbed by critics as false and just a show of lies. Her allies, however, say otherwise.

And as early as a few hours ago, I was already given a copy of her speech. Never thought I would be reading her SONA even before she delivers it. But of course, I never really read it in its entirety, since I want to listen from the horse's mouth herself. I just hope she will truely address the real state of the country.

Haay, my first SONA in the newsroom. Oh well, free food time! (and of course, heavy work).

*watch ABS-CBN Coverage of SONA LIVE on ABS-CBN, ANC, Studio 23 and DZMM. As well as updates on


  1. hi jek! i watched the SONA on tv and well, im impressed.... coz she memorized the whole thing. hahah seriously though, some of the things which she said was questionable and shouldn't be taken by the people as it is. COmpared to her previous SONA though, at least this time it's more realistic. last time, it sounded so good to be true kase. i question her statement about us having to import rice though because we arent as blessed in topography as taiwan?! waaht?! i think it's just bec. we havent been investing in what we're truly rich in... and they way she uses some people to represent some sectors (farmers, jeepney drivers, etc.) was an effective way of making the people believe she's really doing something.. but then again, one representative doesn't mean the majority. im glad socially aware pa rin ako kahit papano. hehe anyway, yun lang. hope you're good!

  2. hehe, i'm impressed. parang lawyer ka na! hehehe.

    but anyway, true. as one congressman puts it: it's a "feel good" speech. And although she admitted we are in crisis, she sounded as if we have no choice but to feel it and wait for it to end. When in fact, this country can do so much more than wait. She just invited those "guests" to add drama to her speech, whcih is kinda effective for some.

    After 7 SONAs, I hope this 8th could bring more good for the future.
