Monday, February 27, 2006


These past days were days of confusion, doubts, fears... It was the 20th anniversary of EDSA 1 and rallies, demonstrations and protests reigned the frontpages and in the newsrooms. People don't exactly know what to do, whom to believe and whom to trust. State of Emergency was declared and many were arrested even without warrant. In all these events, I was with AtSCA. Friday, the new EB prayed the rosary before the delibs for the country. By 7pm, we attended the EDSA Mass at gate 2.5 at the Ateneo. After, we continued the delibs. Saturday, we continued praying and had a delibs marathon from 1pm- 4am. Next day Sunday, we attended the Prayer Vigil at gate 2.5 and listened to the short speeches of Fr. Ben Nebres, S.J. and Fr. Danny Huang, S.J. Monday was declared a no class day. We attended a mass at the gate 2.5 for our country. This weekend was all about our country. I attended masses, prayer vigils and forums regarding the social issues concerning our country including us citizens.
I support the stand of the Society of Jesus and the Ateneo as well to continue praying and discerning about the issues. I believe that we should not support military-initiated strategies that seek the civilian's support. This is totally different from EDSA 1 where it was a civilian-initiated move that was supported by the military. Now, it is the opposite. We should not allow military to rule us. I also support the stand of the CBCP to continue searching for the truth. Let us also focus on our desires for reforms in our country, specifically, reforms in the military and in the government
I mentioned that the past days were days of confusion, doubts and fears, but I also believe that the past days were also days of prayer, hope and inspiration. Despite all these news, many people still prayed to God and I'm sure many still haven't loss hope for our Motherland. It is good to see that even some youth (espcially Atscans) still joined the masses and prayer vigils. I personally haven't loss hope for the country. With God, I believe and pray that the Philippines will still stand strong and that truth will win the battle.
God bless our country!


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