Saturday, November 1, 2008


From TV... now I have invaded the world of the internet. Today, All Saints' Day, my article on exorcism was posted online. Of course, it was edited to fit online journalism. I wrote it differently the first time (I guess because I'm so used to TV writing).

I based my story from an interview on ANC's Talkback with Tina Palma. I also made a report on it for ANC. It was aired on four newscasts yesterday. Now, it's on It's good to be part of a big media network. hehehe

Click here for the story.
Some gist: Exorcism cases in the Philippines is rising. We should have a strong and rooted faith in order to avoid demonic possessions. At the same time, if we hear stories on sanib, we must first check if it is indeed demonic or maybe just psychological. Talk to an exorcist if you feel negative elements is bothering you.


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